Registered Safety Officer (RSO) អ្នកធ្វើការផ្នែកសុវត្ថិភាព កំរិតមូលដ្ឋាន
Target Audience: to whom is knowledgeable of the fundamentals of occupational health and safety. The RSO is generally responsible for the day-to-day activities of managing a company's health and safety program (this is an entry-level certification).
Topics included: What is Safety in the Workplace, Duties of a Safety Officer, Management's Role in Safety, Company Health & Safety Responsibility, Regulatory Agencies, Hazard Recognition & Control, Fire, Life Safety, Electrical, Office, Traffic, Compressed Gas Cylinders, Ergonomics, Safety Inspections, Safety Training, Motivation, Accident Investigation, Documenting Safety
Prerequisite: none
What you will get: Wallet Card, Certificate and Transcript in pdf format issued by AISP